1095 B/C

ACA Compliance for HCM Providers

  • HCM providers typically deal with various HR operations such as employee onboarding, maintaining personnel records, and managing employee data for
    their clients.
  • In addition to this, HCM Providers may also be responsible for ensuring the ACA compliance for their clients.
  • They prepare and file ACA Forms 1095-B/1095-C for their clients and distribute the recipients' copies.

TaxBandits - An Ideal Solution for HCM Providers to Manage ACA Filings

As an IRS-authorized e-file provider, TaxBandits enables HCM providers to manage their clients' ACA Form 1095-B and Form 1095-C filings efficiently. Here are some of the helpful features that TaxBandits offers to simplify the ACA filing process for HCM Providers:

Here are some of the helpful features that TaxBandits offers to simplify the ACA filings for HCM Providers:

Bulk Upload Templates

  • HCM providers can use our 1095 Excel Templates to upload their clients’ & their recipients’ data and the coverage information required for ACA filings in one go!
  • This feature allows HCM providers to import form data quickly and easily, dramatically reducing the time spent filing.
Bulk Upload Templates
Staff and Client Management

Staff and Client Management

  • TaxBandits lets HCM providers add and manage unlimited staff members to handle ACA filings for their clients. Tracking the progress of each client’s filing is easy.
  • HCM providers can use TaxBandits to invite their clients to a separate portal where they can review forms and communicate any
    filing-related questions.

Federal and State ACA Compliance

  • TaxBandits helps HCM providers prepare and e-file ACA forms for their clients with both the IRS and state agencies.
  • Our software generates the transmittal forms (1094-B / 1094-C) during the preparation of 1095 forms.
Federal and State ACA Compliance
Distribute Recipient Copies

Distribute Recipient Copies

  • In addition to e-filing, TaxBandits assists HCM providers in effortlessly distributing 1095 B/C copies to recipients, ensuring compliance with
    IRS requirements
  • Opt to send physical form copies via Postal Mail or distribute them digitally through a Secure Online Portal.

Forms Supported by TaxBandits

1099 Forms

  • 1099-NEC
  • 1099-MISC
  • 1099-K
  • Other 1099s

W-2 Forms

  • W-2
  • W2-PR
  • W-2c

94x Forms

  • 941
  • 940
  • 941/940 Schedule R
  • Other 94x

ACA Forms

  • 1095-B
  • 1095-C
State Filing
  • 1099
  • W-2
  • ACA

TaxBandits Supports 100+ Federal, State, and Correction Forms

Learn how TaxBandits can meet and exceed your filing needs through a live, customized demo.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Pricing that Fits Your Need

Bulk Pricing

TaxBandits offers exclusive volume-based pricing that enables HCM providers to bulk e-file ACA 1095 forms for their clients with discounts. The more forms they file, the more money they save!

Prepaid Credits

HCM providers can buy prepaid credits in advance from their TaxBandits account, eliminating the need for individual payments with each filing, this is especially helpful for managing numerous clients.

See why our customers choose us year after year

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Simplify your ACA 1095-B/C Filing Now with TaxBandits