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We’re Now Accepting ACA 1095 Forms for the 2024 Tax Year!

Massachusetts Form MA 1099-HC Reporting Requirements

We support filing of Form MA 1099-HC!

Simplify Your Massachusetts 1095 E-Filing with TaxBandits!

  • You can e-file your ACA Forms with both Federal
    and State.
  • We also support state-only filing, even if you have filed your federal ACA 1095 elsewhere
    or by paper.

E-File your Massachusetts 1099 HC at just $1.50/form

The IRS mandates e-filing when you file 10 or more ACA 1095 returns. E-file Now

Massachusetts State Filing

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Massachusetts 1095 Reporting Requirements

The State of Massachusetts mandates filing Form MA 1099-HC with the state.

Form Required Form MA 1099-HC
Deadline Recipient Copy Distribution - January 31, 2024
E-filing Due date - January 31, 2024

*The State of Massachusetts mandates the E-filing of Form MA 1099-HC. E-file MA 1099-HC Now!

Frequently Asked Questions on MA 1099-HC Filing

What are the ACA Filing Requirements for the state of Massachusetts?

The State of Massachusetts requires health care providers or administrators who offer health coverage to Massachusetts residents to file MA 1099-HC Form to meet state individual mandate.

What is Form MA 1099-HC?

Form 1099-HC, a Massachusetts tax form that reports the information about the health coverage of the Massachusetts residents. The Massachusetts residents who are eligible for MEC (Minimum Creditable Coverage) will receive Form MA 1099-HC form the employer or health insurance carrier.

When is Massachusetts Form MA 1099-HC due?

Here are the deadlines to file and furnish your Form MA 1099-HC:

  • The deadline to distribute recipient copies of Form MA 1099-HC is January 31, 2024 .
  • The deadline to submit Form 1095-B/C to the State of MA is January 31, 2024.
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Note: If the due date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the next business day is the deadline.

What information is required for the electronic filing of Form MA 1099-HC?

The employer needs the following information to file Form MA 1099-HC to the State of Massachusetts (MA).

The name and FID (Federal Tax ID) of the insurance company or administrator who is responsible for the coverage.

The primary subscriber’s details, such as Name, Subscriber number, Date of Birth (DOB), and address.

The period of time when the subscriber and their dependents had minimum creditable coverage.

  • If the employee had coverage for the whole year(all 12 months), check the box that indicates the same.
  • If the employee did not have coverage for all 12 months of the year, the box against the months the minimum creditable coverage was offered must be checked.

How do changes in residency affect Form MA 1099-HC filing?

Changes in residency impact Form MA 1099-HC filing in Massachusetts. Here's a concise guide for residents, nonresidents, and retirees abroad navigating healthcare mandate requirements.

  • Moving into Massachusetts:

    Health care mandate applies from the first day of the third full month following residency start.

  • Moving out of Massachusetts:

    Health care mandate applies until the last day of the last full month of residency.

  • Retired Massachusetts resident abroad with full health insurance:

    Options for Schedule HC:

    • Apply for a Certificate of Exemption from the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority.
    • Request an appeal on Schedule HC.
  • Living out of state (nonresident of Massachusetts):

    Not subject to the health care mandate if filing an income tax return in the new state of residence.

What are the penalties for not filing or late filing with Massachusetts?

Employers who fail to issue MA 1099-HC forms to the employees (residents of Massachusetts) will be subject to a $50 penalty per individual, going up to a maximum of $50,000.

Can I paper file ACA forms with the state of Massachusetts?

No, the state of Massachusetts does not support paper filing of Form MA 1099-HC. Therefore, You must only e-file with the State of Massachusetts.

Get your Form MA 1099-HC e-filed securely and accurately with TaxBandits. Get Started Now

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