We Support 1042-S correction only if you filed your original 1042-S Form with TaxBandits. E-File Now

How do you E-file Form 1042-S Correction Online with TaxBandits?

Choose the Form and type of correction

From the dashboard, select 1042-S Corrections, the tax year, and the information you want to update on your returns.

Enter the Corrected Information

Enter the information you need to correct in the 1042-S Form.

 Review & Transmit to the IRS

Please review the corrected form. Once completed, send the corrected 1042-S to the IRS and provide a corrected form copy to the recipient.

 Recipient Copy (Postal/Online Access)

You can distribute your recipient copies through the postal mail or a secure online portal.

TaxBandits for Every Business

Are you ready to file your 1042-S correction Form? Get started with TaxBandits and E-file your form in minutes.

What Information Can I Correct in Form 1042-S?

On 1042-S, various types of information can be corrected if errors are identified.


Here are the types of information that can typically be corrected on the 1042-S Form:

  • Recipient Information:

    Incorrect Recipient information includes the recipient's name, address, and taxpayer identification number (TIN).

  • Income Information:

    Errors in income amounts, such as the total income paid to the recipient.

  • Income Code:

    The income code reported on the form can be corrected if an incorrect code was initially mentioned.

  • Exemption Code( Chapters 3 and 4):

    The incorrect exemption code corresponding to Chapters 3 and 4.

  • LOB Code:

    Incorrect Limitation on benefits (LOB) code that qualifies the taxpayer for treaty benefits.

  • Other Errors:

    Any other errors or inaccuracies on the Form 1042-S can be corrected.

How TaxBandits Simplifies 1042-S Corrections

Print 1042-S Corrections

Print 1042-S Corrections

You can print your amended 1042-S forms for your records using the TaxBandits print center.

Form 1042-T Included

Form 1042-T Included

TaxBandits helps users file corrected 1042-S Forms, including the required 1042-T Form, to the IRS. Our application’s user-friendly interface allows users to prepare and file their amended forms easily.

Distribute Corrected Copies

Distribute Corrected Copies

Distribute the corrected copies efficiently to your recipients, including U.S. and foreign recipients, through postal mail (foreign mail) or our secure online portal option.

Live Customer Support

Live Customer Support

Do you have any questions? Our dedicated team of professionals is available by phone, email, or live chat to help you in any way they can.

Success Starts with TaxBandits!

Frequently Asked Questions on Form 1042 Corrections

What Can I Correct On My 1042-S?

If you have filed a Form 1042-S with the IRS and discovered you made an error, you must correct it immediately to avoid potential penalties. The following information can be corrected in a previously filed 1042-S Form, which includes:

  • Income Code
  • Gross income
  • Chapter indicator
  • Exemption Code and Tax Rate
  • Net Income
  • Recipient Information includes the Recipient's Name, Date of Birth, Account Number, Country Code and address, the recipient's U.S. TIN and GIIN, Chapter 3 and 4 Status Codes, and the recipient's Foreign Tax Identification Number, LOB Code.
  • Payer's Name, TIN, GIIN, and Status Code
TaxBandits for Every Business

Note: At TaxBandits, as of now you can correct a 1042-S Form if any errors are identified, except for withholding agent information.

Where to send a 1042-S corrected Form?

If you are filing Form 1042-S corrections by paper, you must complete it and send the corrected 1042-S form along with Form 1042-T(Transmittal Form of 1042-S) to the following address:

Ogden Service Center,
P.O. Box 409101,
UT 84409

With TaxBandits, you can ensure that any corrections made to Form 1042-S are accurately corrected and filed to the IRS promptly to maintain compliance with tax regulations.

Do TaxBandits support 1042-S corrections filed with other providers?

TaxBandits currently does not support 1042-S corrections filed with different providers. However, you can correct your 1042-S Forms originally filed through TaxBandits.

TaxBandits for Every Business

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