Can 941-X be filed electronically
Beginning in 2024, the IRS allows electronic filing of Form 941-X as part of Modernized e-File (MeF).
However, only corrections for the 2024 tax year could be e-filed.
How to Efile 941-X
Follow the simple steps below to file 941-X electronically using TaxBandits
What information could be corrected on Form 941-X?

Use Form 941-X to correct the following information
- Wages, tips, and other compensation
- Federal income tax withheld from wages, tips, and other compensation
- Taxable Social Security wages
- Taxable Social Security tips
- Taxable Medicare wages and tips
- Taxable wages and tips subject to Additional Medicare Tax withholding
- Deferred amount of the employer's share of Social Security tax
- Deferred amount of the employee share of Social Security tax
- Qualified small business payroll tax Credit for Increasing Research Activities
Why Choose TaxBandits to File 941-X Electronically

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Authorize / Sign your
941-X Return
You can either authorize your return by E-Signing Form 8453-EMP or use an Online Signature PIN. You can request a FREE Online Signature PIN through TaxBandits.

Live U.S Based
Customer Support
Our dedicated U.S.-based support team is here to assist you. Reach out with any questions at any stage of your filing process.

Options to Pay Balance Due
TaxBandits provides several payment options to pay the balance due, which includes EFW, EFTPS, credit or debit card, or check/money order.
Success Starts with TaxBandits!
The Smart Choice of every 941 Filers
Frequently Asked Questions on Form 941-X Filing
What is Form 941-X?
IRS Form 941-X (Adjusted Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return or Claim for Refund) Is used by employers to correct errors or claim refunds for the previously filed Form 941. You must file a separate 941-X for each tax period for which there was an error.
Criteria for Filing Form 941-X
Form 941-x can be filed for underreported and overreported taxes:
- Underreported taxes - reporting less income or revenue than was actually received. If you file 941-X for underreported taxes you must make tax payment when you file the form.
- Overreported taxes - reporting more income or revenue than was actually received. When reporting overreported taxes, you can claim either a refund or an abatement for your next return.
When is the deadline to File Form 941-x?
There is no specific deadline for filing Form 941-X. However, a time frame is applicable to report overreported and unreported taxes.
- Overreported taxes: Generally, overreported taxes are filed within 3 years of filing Form 941 or 2 years from the date you paid the tax reported on Form 941, whichever is later.
- Underreported taxes: It must be filed within 3 years of filing the original Form 941.
The IRS calls each of these time frames a “period of limitations.” For the period of limitations, Form 941 for a calendar year is considered filed on April 15 of the succeeding year, even if they were filed before that date.
Let’s consider that you filed your 2023 fourth quarter Form 941 on January 27, 2024, and payments were timely made. The IRS treats the return as if it were filed on April 15, 2024. On January 27, 2027, you discovered that you overreported social security and Medicare wages on that form by $250. To correct the error, you must file Form 941-X by April 15, 2027, which is the end of the period of limitations for Form 941, and use the claim process."
- If filing Form 941-X to correct overreported taxes in the last 90 days of the period of limitations for overreported taxes, you must use the claim process. You can’t use the adjustment process.
- If you are correcting the underreported taxes, you must file another 941-X to correct them using the adjustment process.
Can 941-X be filed electronically?
According to the latest revisions from the IRS, Form 941-X can be electronically filed for the 2024 Tax year.
Follow the below simple steps to file 941-X online for 2024:
- Create a free TaxBandits account!
- Choose "Form 941-X" and enter the information to be corrected.
- Complete 941 Schedule B (If applicable).
- Review and Efile 941-X to the IRS.
Are there any penalties and interest related to 941-X e-filing?
Generally, correction of an underreported tax amount will not be subject you to an FTP penalty, an FTD penalty, or interest if you follow these guidelines:
- File on time (by the due date of Form 941 for the quarter in which you discover the error),
- Pay the amount shown on line 27 at the time you file Form 941-X
- Enter the date you discovered the error, and
- If you have explained your corrections in detail
However, you will be penalized if any of the following apply.
- If the underreported amounts was related to an issue that was raised in an examination of a prior period.
- If You knowingly underreported your employment tax liability.
- If You received a notice and demand for payment.
- If You received a notice of determination under section 7436.